wttn-wmk 2025-03-12 wid-93 drtm-bns 2025-03-12


Imprint data in accordance with § 6 Teledienstegesetz

Womika Wohnmobile GmbH

Arthur-Imhausen-Straße 8
D-58453 Witten

Fon: 0049 (0)2302/1895-04
Fax: 0049 (0)2302/1895-06

e-mail: info@womika.de

Managing director: Winfried Pohl

responsible district court: Amtsgericht Bochum

Trade register: B 8635

Value added tax identification number (USt-IdNr.) DE186308626
Womika ... the team with the spirit to take part in making your plans, sometimes even your dreams come true. Webdesign - Internet Services - Dortmund NRW